The boardgame Excape.  Simple rules:

How to Win - Be the first person to get your marker to the X (space # 21) on the outside track. 

On your turn

1. Roll your dice (each player has a pair of dice in their color; the two dice have unique values: 12356X and 12347X.). You are hoping to roll a high value. The value of a roll is the two-digit number made from the two dice. E.g. a 6 and a 7 is 76. In the physical boardgame you choose the higher of the two dice rolled to be the first die, which the game does automatically. An X counts as zero. So 4 and X is 40.  An XX is 100!

2. Reroll the dice as many times as you want, but if either of the dice shows an X after the first reroll, your turn is over, and you move backwards 1 space per X rolled. 

3. Anytime you roll doubles (which could be more than once per turn), your piece is moved forward a number of spaces equal to the value on each die.

4. Instead of rerolling, you may select any one of the open rows in the center of the board, numbered 0-5. When selected, the dice you rolled are moved there . Each row may only have dice of one player at a time. Once a row is selected, your dice stay there until your next turn, or until kicked out (see next item).

5. After selecting a row, other players' dice on other rows may get kicked out. All dice from other players that are on a higher row and have lower or equal value are removed (kicked out). E.g. dice placed on row 3 with a value of 62 would kick out all dice on rows 4 and 5 that have a value of 62 or lower. Note that it is perfectly valid to place dice on a row where a lower row already contains dice of a higher value. Nothing happens in this case. 

6. At the start of each of your subsequent turns, if your dice are already in one of the rows (i.e. on your previous turn you selected a row and placed your dice there, and your dice were not kicked out by another player), you piece is moved forward a number of spaces equal to the row your dice were on. This is the primary way of advancing on the track.

Updated 2 days ago
Published 7 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot

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